
Colleen C. Davis
State Treasurer

Cash Management Policy Board Meetings and Materials

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I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – March 13, 2024

III. Discussion and Vote Regarding Resolution 2024-2 Adopting Certain Governance Policies

IV. Investment Subcommittee Report

A. Presentation and Discussion of the 2024 1st Quarter Investment Performance Report

B. ARPA Fund Update

V. Banking Subcommittee Report

A. Local Banking Project Discussion

B. Merchant Services and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards(“PCI-DSS”) Compliance Discussion

1. Fiserv Migration Project Update

2. Digital Government Project Update

3. PCI-DSS Compliance Project Update and Potential Vote

C. Contract Extensions Discussion

1. JP Morgan Discussion

2. Govolution Contract Amendment Discussion and Potential Vote

3. Electronic Payment Consulting Services (PCI Consultant) RFP Tentative Timeline Discussion

RFP Timeline

VI. Other Matters of the Board

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Executive Session

A. None scheduled.

IX. Next Meetings

A. The next full Board meeting is scheduled for August 29, 2024

1. In-person, at Buena Vista

B. The next Investment Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for August 7, 2024

C. The next Banking Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for August 14, 2024

X. Adjournment


1. Introductions

2. Approval of the Minutes – February 14, 2024

3. Local Banking Project Discussion

4. Merchant Services and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (“PCI-DSS”) Compliance Discussion

A. Fiserv Migration Project Update

B. Digital Government Project Update

C. PCI-DSS Compliance Project Update

V. Contract Extensions Discussion

A. JP Morgan Discussion

B. Govolution Contract Amendment Discussion and Potential Vote

C. Electronic Payment Consulting Services (PCI Consultant) RFP Tentative Timeline Discussion

Timeline listing for RFP

VI. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Executive Session – None Scheduled

IX. Next Meetings

A. The Code of Conduct (Ethics) training will commence at the conclusion of the Banking Subcommittee meeting on May 8, 2024

B. The next full Board meeting is scheduled for June 12, 2024

C. The next Banking Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for August 14, 2024

XI. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – November 1, 2023 revised and February 7, 2024

III. Presentation and Discussion of the 1st Quarter Performance Report

IV. NEPC Benchmark Criteria Discussion and Potential Vote

V. ARPA Fund Update

VI. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Executive Session – None scheduled

IX. Next Meetings

A. The next Banking Subcommittee meeting and State Code of Conduct (Ethics) Training is scheduled for May 8, 2024

1. The Ethics Training will begin at the conclusion of the Banking Subcommittee meeting. This is for all Investment Subcommittee, Banking Subcommittee, full Board Members, and associated proxies.

B. The next full Board meeting is scheduled for June 12, 2024 – Buena Vista

C. The next Investment Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for August 7, 2024

X. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes 12-13-23

III. Resolution Establishing Subcommittee Charters Discussion and Potential Vote

IV. Investment Subcommittee Report

A. NEPC Performance Report

1. Presentation and Discussion of the 2023 4th Quarter Investment Performance Analysis

B. Election of Vice Chair Discussion and Potential Vote

C. ARPA Fund Update

D. Vanguard Group, Inc. Assignment Discussion and Potential Vote

V. Banking Subcommittee Report

A. Election of Vice Chair Discussion and Potential Vote

B. Division of Small Business Update

C. Delaware State University and JP Morgan Discussion

D. Adult Use Cannabis Retailers Update

E. General and Local Banking Projects Discussion

1. General Project Update

2. Local Banking Project Update

3. Local Banking Accounts Discussion

F. Merchant Services and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (“PCI-DSS”) Compliance Discussion

1. Fiserv Migration Project Update

2. PCI-DSS Compliance Project Update

3. Digital Government Project Update

VI. Electronic Payment Consulting Services (PCI Consultant) RFP Discussion and Potential Vote

VII. 2024 Calendar Dates

VIII. Other Matters of the Board

IX. Public Comment

X. Executive Session

A. None scheduled

XI. Next Meetings

A. The next full Board meeting is scheduled for June 12, 2024

1. This meeting will be held at Buena Vista

B. The next Investment Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for May 1, 2024

C. The next Banking Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for May 8, 2024

1. The State Code of Conduct (Ethics) Training will begin at the conclusion of the Banking Subcommittee

XII. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – November 8, 2023

III. Resolution Establishing Banking Subcommittee Charter Discussion and Potential Vote

IV. Election of Vice Chair Discussion and Potential Vote

V. General and Local Banking Projects Discussion

A. General and Local Banking Project Update

B. Local Banking Project Update

C. Local Banking Accounts Discussion

VI. Merchant Services and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (“PCI-DSS”) Compliance Discussion

A. Fiserv Migration Project Update

B. PCI-DSS Compliance Project Update

C. Digital Government Project Update

VII. Electronic Payment Consulting Services (PCI Consultant) RFP Discussion and Potential Vote

VIII. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

IX. Public Comment

X. Executive Session – None Scheduled

XI. Next Meeting

A. The next full Board meeting is scheduled for March 13, 2024

B. The next Banking Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for May 8, 2024

XII. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – November 1, 2023

III. Resolution Establishing Subcommittee Charters Discussion and Potential Vote

IV. Election of Vice Chair Discussion and Potential Vote

V. ARPA Fund Update

VI. Vanguard Group, Inc. Assignment Discussion and Potential Vote

VII. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

VIII. Public Comment

IX. Executive Session

A. None scheduled

X. Next Meeting

A. The next full Board meeting is scheduled for March 13, 2024

B. The next Investment Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for May 1, 2024

XI. Adjournment



I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – September 6, 2023

III. Resolution Establishing Subcommittee Charters Discussion

IV. Resolution Establishing Governance Discussion

V. Investment Subcommittee Report

A. NEPC Performance Report

1. Presentation and Discussion of the 2023 3rd Quarter Investment Performance Analysis

B. Rainy Day and Budget Stabilization Memos Discussion and Vote

C. Investment Guideline Changes Discussion

D. Resolution No. 2023- [2] Further Amending Investment Architecture for the State’s Cash Accounts Discussion and Vote

E. ARPA Fund Update

VI. Banking Subcommittee Report

A. General and Local Banking Projects Discussion and Vote

B. General Banking Project Update

C. Local Banking Project Update and Vote

D. Outside Bank Accounts Discussion

1. Legacy Accounts

2. Local Banking Accounts

3. Delaware Capital Access Program (“DCAP”) Exception Discussion

E. Banking Contract Extensions Discussion and Vote

1. CampusGuard Contract Extension and Vote

2. Govolution Contract Extension Discussion and Vote

3. US Bank Contract Extension Discussion and Vote

F. Merchant Services and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (“PCI-DSS”) Compliance Discussion

1. Fiserv Migration Project Update

2. PCI-DSS Compliance Project Update

3. Digital Government Project Update

VII. Annual Report

VIII. Review of 2024 & 2025 Calendar Dates

IX. Other Matters of the Board

X. Public Comment

XI. Executive Session

A. None scheduled

XII. Next Meetings

A. The next full Board meeting is scheduled for March 13, 2024.

B. The next Investment Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for February 7, 2024.

C. The next Banking Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for February 14, 2024.

XIII. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – August 9, 2023

III. Resolution Establishing Banking Subcommittee Charter Discussion and Vote

IV. General and Local Banking Projects Discussion and Vote

A. General Banking Project Update

B. Local Banking Project Update and Vote

V. Outside Bank Accounts Discussion and Potential Vote

A. Legacy Accounts

B. Local Banking Accounts

VI. Delaware Capital Access Program Exception Discussion and Potential Vote

VII. Banking Contract Extensions Discussion and Vote

A. CampusGuard Contract Extension and Vote

B. Govolution Contract Extension Discussion and Vote

C. US Bank Contract Extension Discussion and Vote

VIII. Merchant Services and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (“PCI-DSS”) Compliance Discussion

A. Fiserv Migration Project Update

B. PCI-DSS Compliance Project Update

C. Digital Government Project Update

IX. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

X. Public Comment

XI. Executive Session – None Scheduled

XII. Next Meeting

A. The next full Board meeting is scheduled for December 14, 2023

B. The next Banking Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for February 14, 2024

XIII. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – August 2, 2023

III. Investment Architecture Allocation Discussion and Potential Vote

IV. Resolution Establishing Subcommittee Charters Discussion and Vote

V. Rainy Day and Budget Stabilization Memos Discussion and Potential Vote

VI. Regarding Recommendation for Investment Guideline Changes Discussion and Potential Vote

VII. ARPA Fund Update

VIII. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

IX. Public Comment

X. Executive Session

A. None scheduled

XI. Next Meeting

A. The next full Board meeting is scheduled for December 13, 2023

B. The next Investment Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for February 7, 2024

XII. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – June 7, 2023

III. Investment Subcommittee Report

A. NEPC Performance Report

1. Presentation and Discussion of the 2023 2nd Quarter Investment Performance Analysis

B. 2023 Liquidity & Reserve Manager Due Diligence Meetings Discussion

C. Architecture Allocation Discussion

D. Discussion and Potential Vote Regarding Documentation of Allocation Changes

E. Liquidity & Reserve Managers Contract Extension Discussion and Vote

F. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund Update

IV. Banking Subcommittee Report

A. General and Local Banking Projects Discussion and Vote

B. General Banking Project Update

C. Local Banking Project Update

D. Local Banking Contract Extensions Discussion and Vote

E. Merchant Services and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (“PCI-DSS”) Compliance Discussion

F. Fiserv Migration Project Update

G. PCI-DSS Compliance Project Update

H. Digital Government Project Update

V. Other Matters of the Board

VI. Public Comment

VII. Executive Session

A. None scheduled

VIII. Next Meetings

A. The next full Board meeting is scheduled for December 14, 2023.

B. The next Investment Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for November 1, 2023.

C. The next Banking Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for November 8, 2023.

IX. Adjournment


  1. Introductions
  2. Approval of the Minutes – May 10, 2023
  3. General and Local Banking Projects Discussion and Vote
    1. General Banking Project Update
    2. Local Banking Project Update
    3. Local Banking Contract Extensions Discussion and Vote
  4. Merchant Services and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (“PCI-DSS”) Compliance Discussion
    1. Fiserv Migration Project Update
    2. PCI-DSS Compliance Project Update
    3. Digital Government Project Update
  5. Other Matters of the Subcommittee
  6. Public Comment
  7. Executive Session – None Scheduled
  8. Next Meeting
    • The next full Board meeting is scheduled for September 6, 2023.
    • The next Banking Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for November 8, 2023.
  9. Adjornment


  1. Introductions
  2. Approval of the Minutes –  May 3, 2023
  3. 2023 Liquidity & Reserve Manager Due Diligence Meetings Discussion and Potential Vote
    1. Memo
    2. Recommended Guideline Enhancements
  4. Architecture Allocation Discussion
  5. Discussion and Vote Regarding Documentation of Allocation Changes
  6. Liquidity & Reserve Managers Contract Extension Discussion and Vote
  7. ARPA Fund Update
  8. Other Matters of the Subcommittee
  9. Public Comment
  10. Executive Session
  11. Next Meeting
  12. Adjournment


I. Introductions

A. Organization Chart

II. Approval of the Minutes – February 8, 2023

III. Investment Subcommittee Report

A. NEPC Performance Report

1. Presentation and discussion of the 2023 1st Quarter Investment Performance Analysis

B. School and Special Fund Rate Calculation (SSF) Discussion and Update

C. Architecture Allocation Discussion and Vote

D. Cares Act Fund Discussion and Update

E. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund Discussion and Update

IV. Banking Subcommittee Report

A. General Banking Discussion

B. Local Banking Project Update

C. Merchant Services Discussion and Vote

1. Fiserv Migration Project Update

2. PCI Compliance Project Update

3. Digital Government Project Update

4. Govolution Extension Discussion and Vote

V. Recognition of Service and New Members

VI. Other Matters of the Board

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Executive Session – None scheduled

IX. Next Meetings

A. The next full Board meeting is scheduled for September 6, 2023.

B. The next Investment Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for August 2, 2023.

C. The next Banking Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for August 9, 2023.

X. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – January 25, 2023

III. General Banking Project Discussion

IV. Local Banking Project Discussion & Vote

A. Capital School District “CSD” DelOne Student Banking Contract Discission and Vote

B. Local Banking Project Update

V. Merchant Services Discussion and Vote

A. Fiserv Migration Project Update

B. PCI Compliance Project Update

C. Digital Government Project Update

D. Govolution Extension Discussion and Vote

VI. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Executive Session

IX. Next Meeting

X. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – January 18, 2023

III. School and Special Fund Rate Calculation (SSF) Discussion and Potential Vote

IV. Architecture Allocation Discussion and Vote

V. Cares Act Fund Discussion and Update

VI. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund Discussion and Update

VII. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

VIII. Public Comment

IX. Executive Session

X. Next Meeting

XI. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – December 14, 2022

III. Banking Subcommittee Report

A. General Banking Discussion

B. Merchant Services Discussion and Vote – PCI DSS Compliance

IV. Investment Subcommittee Report

A. NEPC Performance Report

B. Investment Architecture Allocation Discussion and Vote

V. June 2023 Board Meeting – In Person

VI. Updated 2023 CMPB Calendar Dates

VII. Change from Simbli and Adobe Sign for Meeting Minutes

VIII. Other Matters of the Board

IX. Public Comment

X. Executive Session

XI. Next Meeting

XII. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – November 9, 2022

III. General Banking Discussion

IV. Merchant Services Discussion

A. PCI DSS Compliance Project Update and Vote

V. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

VI. Public Comment

VII. Executive Session

VIII. Next Meeting

IX. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – November 2, 2022

III. Proposed Investment Architecture Review For the State’s Cash Accounts Discussion and Vote

IV. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

V. Public Comment

VI. Executive Session

VII. Next Meeting

VII. Adjournment



I. Introductions – OST Organizational Chart

II. Approval of the Minutes – September 7, 2022

III. NEPC Performance Report

A. Presentation and Discussion of the 2022 3rd Quarter Investment Performance Analysis

IV. Investment Subcommittee Report

V. Banking Subcommittee Report

A. Merchant Services Project Discussion and Vote

1. PCI Compliance Presentation and Vote

2. CampusGuard Contract Update

B. Digital Government Update

C. Bank of America “BOA” Contract Update and Vote

VI. Review of 2023 Calendar Dates

VII. Annual Report

VIII. Other Matters of the Board

IX. Public Comment

X. Executive Session

XI. Next Meeting

XII. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – August 10, 2022

III. General Banking Discussion

IV. Local Banking Discussion

A. Contract extension for PNC Bank Update

V. Merchant Services Discussion

A. PCI Compliance update

B. CampusGuard Contract Update

C. Digital Government Update

D. Bank of America “BOA” Contract Update and Vote

VI. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Executive Session

IX. Next Meeting

X. Adjournment


I. Call to Order

II. Architecture Allocation Review, Discussion, and Vote

III. Next Meeting

IV. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – August 3, 2022

III. Proposed Investment Architecture Review for the State’s Cash Accounts Discussion and Vote

IV. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

V. Public Comment

VI. Executive Session

VII. Next Meeting

VIII. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – June 1, 2022

III. NEPC Performance Report

A. Presentation and Discussion of the2022 2nd Quarter Investment Performance Report

B. Analysis of the Architecture Allocation Discussion and Vote

IV. Investment Subcommittee Report

A. Investment Manager Contract Extensions – Discussion and Vote

V. Banking Subcommittee Report

A. Local Banking Services Project Discussion and Vote

1. Contract extension for PNC Bank – Vote

B. Merchant Services Project Discussion and Vote

1. PCI Compliance

2. CampusGuard Contract – Vote

C. Digital Government Update

VI. Other Matters of the Board

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Executive Session

IX. Next Meeting

X. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – May 11, 2022

III. Local Banking Discussion

A. Contract Extension for PNC Bank

IV. Merchant Services Discussion and Vote

A. PCI Compliance update

B. CampusGuard Contract

C. Digital Government RFP

V. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

VI. Public Comment

VII. Executive Session

VIII. Next Meeting

IX. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – May 4, 2022

III. Proposed Investment Architecture Review for the State’s Cash Accounts Discussion and Vote

IV. Investment Management Services Discussion and Vote

V. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

VI. Public Comment

VII. Executive Session

VIII. Next Meeting

IX. Adjournment


I. Introductions – OST Organizational Chart

II. Approval of the Minutes – March 9, 2022

III. NEPC Performance Report

IV. Investment Subcommittee Report

A. School and Special Fund Rate Calculation Presentation and Vote

V. Banking Subcommittee Report

A. General Banking Services Project Update

1. JP Morgan Chase – General Banking

2. JP Morgan Chase Contractual Discussion and Vote

B. US Bank – ReliaCard Prepaid Card (RC) Contract Amendment Update

C. Local Banking Services Update

D. Merchant Services Project Discussion

1. PCI Compliance Update

2. Digital Government Update

E. House Bills 371 and 372 – Delaware Marijuana Control Act Discussion

VI. Other Matters of the Board

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Executive Session

IX. Next Meeting

X. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – February 9, 2022

III. Banking Services Project Discussion

A. JP Morgan Chase – General Banking

B. US Bank – ReliaCard Prepaid Reliacard Contract Amendment

IV. Local Banking Discussion

V. Merchant Services Discussion

A. PCI Compliance update

B. Digital Government RFP

VI. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Executive Session

IX. Next Meeting

X. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – February 2, 2022

III. School and Special Fund Rate Calculation Discussion and Potential Vote

IV. Cares Act Fund Discussion

V. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Discussion

VI. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Executive Session

IX. Next Meeting

X. Adjournment


I. Introductions – OST Organizational Chart

II. Approval of the Minutes – December 1, 2021

III. NEPC Performance Report

A. Presentation and Discussion of the 2021 4th Quarter Investment Performance Analysis

B. Russia-Ukraine Market Update

IV. Investment Subcommittee Report

A. Investment Custodian Contractual Update

B. Investment Guidelines Change Update

C. Wilmington Trust IM Contract Assignment Request Discussion and Vote

D. Resolution No. 2022-1 Further Amending Investment Architecture for the State’s Cash Accounts

V. Banking Subcommittee Report

A. General Banking Services Project Update

1. JP Morgan Chase

2. US Bank – ReliaCard Prepaid Card (RC) Discussion and Vote

B. Local Banking Services Update

C. Merchant Services Project Update

1. PCI Compliance

2. Digital Government

D. House Bill 305- The Delaware Marijuana Control Act Discussion

VI. Other Matters of the Board

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Executive Session

IX. Next Meetings

X. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – November 10, 2021

III. General Banking Services Discussion and Vote

A. JP Morgan Chase – General Banking

B. MOTION to approve the first two-year term extension for US Bank ReliaCard contract

IV. Local Banking Discussion

V. Merchant Services Discussion

A. PCI Compliance

B. Digital Government RFP

VI. Other Matters of the Subcommittee

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Executive Session

IX. Next Meeting

X. Adjournment


I. Introductions

II. Approval of the Minutes – November 3, 2021

III. Investment Custodian Contractual Discussion

IV. Investment Guidelines Change Discussion

V. Resolution No. 2022-1 Further Amending Investment Architecture for the State’s Cash Accounts

A. Discussion and vote on amended architecture (liquidity-versus-reserve allocation and placement of the Budget Stabilization Fund)

VI. Cares Act Fund Discussion

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Executive Session

IX. Next Meeting

X. Adjournment















