Delaware EARNS is here! Learn all about how we’re helping to bridge our state’s retirement savings gap. More Info logo

Colleen C. Davis
State Treasurer

Our Divisions

We provide state agencies with efficient banking and financial services, including payment issuance, reconciliation, and fund management. We also manage state investments focusing on safety, liquidity and yield.  Our office also manages State agencies’ merchant services accounts, state employees’ deferred compensation plan, Delaware’s 529 College Savings program, and DEPENDABLE, Delaware’s ABLE account.  Our professional staff proudly serves Delaware’s citizens, employees, and state agencies through the work of our three divisions.

Banking Services

The Banking Services Division is responsible for the prompt processing, recording, and reconciling of all the State’s receipts and disbursements. Process accurate and timely transactions on behalf of state agencies and other organizations; Provide for the evolving transactional needs of the State; and, create a seamless transactional experience across central agencies for payees and payers.

Operations and Funds Management

The Operations and Funds Management Division is responsible for overseeing the movement of State funds across a variety of channels and providing operational and transition support on office and state-wide initiatives.

Note: The Office of the State Treasurer does not manage any pension funds. Please visit the Office of Pensions website for pension investment information. For information on publicly-available investment plans, such as ABLE or 529 Education Savings, please refer to the Contributions and Plans Management page. Bond Bills and other appropriation information can be found on the Controller General Page.

Contributions and Plan Management

Our Contributions and Plan Management Division offers tax-advantaged, voluntary savings vehicles that do not involve state monies and do not require minimum contributions, while providing flexible investment choices and easy enrollment processes for participants.

This division oversees the design, implementation and overall administration of the State’s Deferred Compensation Plans, College Investment Plan, and Achieving a Better Life Experience Program.
